Arpeggiator using Arduino and Max/MSP

Using an Arduino Microcontroller and MAX/Msp Sequencer, this prototype allows users with all kinds of musical experience to experiment with various arpeggios with dynamic tempo control. Any VST of choice can be loaded into the max patch for the user.

  • C
    Programming Controls on Arduino
  • Max 8
    Sequencing and VST Control
  • Javascript
    Controlling MIDI values to go into Max Sequencer

Using Serial Communication between the Arduino board and Max, we produce a string of values to be unpacked by the Max Sequencer. The string has 4 digital output results and 1 analog output result and follows the format:

StepUpFifth | StepDownFourth | MinorChOn | ToggleSequencer | Tempo

While the first 4 are digital Inputs, tempo is an analog output from 0 to 1023, mapped between 200 to 80 decerementally. The inverse mapping has been done so that the value can serve as time between notes.

StepUpFifth: Increase pitch of the arpeggio(raise it by an interval of perfect fifth)

StepDownFourth Decrease pitch of the arpeggio(decrease it by an interval of perfect fourth)

MinrChOn: Decreases the third and the seventh of the arpeggio by one to play a minor chord

ToggleSequencer: Switch on the max sequencer